Home » Politics » If Fayose were a man with moral compass, he’d toe the honourable path of resignation – PDP

If Fayose were a man with moral compass, he’d toe the honourable path of resignation – PDP

by NaijNaira
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If Fayose were a man with moral compass, he'd toe the honourable path of resignation - PDP

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A member of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) National Executive Committee, Timothy Osadolor, has criticized former Ekiti State governor, Ayodele Fayose, for working against his own party.

In an interview, Fayose admitted to working against the PDP and its presidential candidate during the last election.

“I worked against him (Atiku) hundred per cent.

“Nigeria is bigger than the PDP, the APC and even Asiwaju (Bola Tinubu) himself…I am not a man that will hide my action. I never worked for the PDP during the last election. I am not a liar and a pretender. I did not work for the PDP,” he had stated.

Osadolor stated that Fayose’s confession did not come as a surprise to those who knew him well, and that if Fayose had any moral compass, he would resign from his position.

The PDP leadership is expected to address the issue soon.

He said: “The confirmation by former Governor Fayose that he did anti-party activities without shame or remorse is only to convince those who did not know better.

“For those of us that know better, seeing Governor Fayose confess, like a wizard, his acts of indiscipline, sabotage and anti-party did not come as a surprise. Were he a man with a moral compass, he would toe the honourable path of resignation after this confession.

“Will the PDP be able to address him? Yes, the party will be speaking soon.”


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