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On Saturday, King Charles III and his second wife Camilla were officially crowned in a grand ceremony at Westminster Abbey, marking Britain’s biggest ceremonial event in 70 years.
The Archbishop of Canterbury placed the 360-year-old St Edward’s Crown on Charles’ head as he sat on a 14th-century throne, while Camilla will be crowned queen in a two-hour ceremony.
The event, rooted in history, aimed to present a forward-looking monarchy with a diverse representation of Britain and leaders from all faiths.
Despite public scepticism, supporters argue that the royal family provides an international draw and a vital diplomatic tool for the nation.
The coronation is not essential but regarded as a means to legitimise the monarch in a public way.
The event featured an array of historical regalia and was attended by world leaders and a television audience of millions.
However, not all were there to cheer Charles, as hundreds of republicans booed and waved banners reading “Not My King”.
This article was updated 1 month ago