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The West African Examination Council (WAEC) Ghana has recently released the timetable for the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) for the year 2023.
The examination will commence on Monday, August 7, 2023, with papers on Religious and Moral Education 2 (Essay), Religious and Moral Education 1 (Objective), English Language 2 (Essay), and English Language 1 (Objective).
The following day, Tuesday, August 8, 2023, candidates will write Integrated Science 2 (Essay), Integrated Science 1 (Objective), and Ghanaian Language and Culture 2 (Essay).
Candidates are required to take both Papers (2 & 1) for each subject in one sitting without a break.
WAEC has also stated that candidates with visual and hearing impairments will be given an additional 50% of the time allotted to other candidates.
The BECE is a crucial requirement for Junior High School (JHS) graduates seeking admission into Senior High Schools (SHS) in Ghana, and the release of the timetable is a significant step towards the successful conduct of the examination.
This article was updated 1 month ago