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On his birthday, Adekunle Gold has written an inspiring letter to his fans titled AG Letters.
He shared how he was laughed at and even ignored when he first started sharing his music publicly.
Some people even insulted him for straying away from what they perceived as “Yoruba Music”.
Nonetheless, AG Baby powered through and didn’t let anyone’s opinions stop him from expressing himself creatively.
He reminded us that with everything we do, there will be people who have different opinions, some of which can be beneficial while others can be discouraging.
To combat this lack of belief in oneself, Adekunle suggested focusing on one’s own goals and desires rather than the expectations of other people.
Also, AG said that if we focus too much on pleasing those around us we will never accomplish what we set out to do.
Finally, Adekunle concluded his letter by reminding everyone to make decisions not intending to please anyone else but to satisfy ourselves – no matter how long it takes.
This article was updated 8 months ago