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Covenant University, located in Ota, Nigeria, has recently been ranked among the top 10 universities in Africa according to the Times Higher Education (THE) inaugural Sub-Saharan Africa University Rankings for 2023.
While the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, secured the top spot, Covenant University is the only Nigerian institution featured in the top 10.
The ranking system evaluates universities based on five key pillars, including “access and fairness,” “Africa impact,” “teaching skills,” “student engagement,” and “resources and finance.”
Of the 88 ranked institutions, 67% are publicly funded, while 24% operate as private, not-for-profit entities, and 9% are for-profit universities.
Public universities achieved an average score of 50 in the rankings, while private institutions received an average score of 43.
This article was updated 5 days ago