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Dele Alake Biography, Net Worth, Wife, Houses, Cars, Children, Parents, Age, Education

by NaijNaira
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Pres. Tinubu's Special Adviser, Dele Alake Biography, Net Worth, Wife, Houses, Cars, Children, Parents, Age, Education

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Delé Alake is a man of many talents and accomplishments, making his mark in both the world of journalism and politics.

With a captivating biography that spans various aspects of his personal and professional life, Alake has become a prominent figure in Nigeria’s political landscape.

Born and raised in Lagos, he has a deep connection to his hometown and has always been driven by a desire to make a difference in his community.

As a respected journalist, Alake honed his skills and gained invaluable experience before venturing into the realm of politics.

His recent appointment as a special adviser to President Tinubu showcases his expertise and dedication to public service.

Beyond his political career, Alake has also amassed a significant net worth, owning luxurious houses and cars that reflect his success.

With a supportive wife, children, and siblings by his side, Alake’s journey is a testament to hard work, perseverance, and the pursuit of excellence.

Early Life and Education

Dele Alake was born and raised in Lagos, Nigeria.

From an early age, he exhibited a curious and inquisitive nature, constantly seeking knowledge and understanding.

Alake’s parents, who valued education, provided him with a solid foundation and instilled in him the importance of hard work and determination.

As a result, Alake excelled academically, showing great promise in various subjects.

Alake’s thirst for knowledge led him to pursue higher education at prestigious institutions.

He attended the University of Lagos, where he studied Mass Communication.

This educational background equipped him with the necessary skills to navigate the world of journalism and set the stage for his future success.

Career as a Journalist

After completing his education, Dele Alake embarked on his journey as a journalist, working for reputable media organizations.

His passion for storytelling and commitment to delivering accurate and unbiased news quickly garnered attention, and he became known for his impeccable reporting skills.

Throughout his career, Alake covered a wide range of topics, from politics and social issues to business and entertainment.

His ability to provide insightful analysis and present complex information in a digestible manner made him a trusted source of information for the Nigerian public.

Alake’s dedication to journalistic integrity and his unwavering pursuit of the truth set him apart in the industry.

Political Career

While Dele Alake had established himself as a respected journalist, his desire to make a more significant impact on society led him to venture into the realm of politics.

Recognizing the power of politics as a means to effect change, Alake joined a political party and began his political career.

Alake’s charismatic personality and exceptional communication skills quickly propelled him to prominence within his party.

His ability to connect with people from all walks of life and articulate his vision for a better Nigeria made him a popular figure among voters.

With each election cycle, Alake’s influence grew, and he became a force to be reckoned with in Nigerian politics.

Appointment as Special Adviser to President Tinubu

Dele Alake’s dedication to public service and his track record of success caught the attention of President Tinubu, who appointed him as a special adviser.

This appointment was a testament to Alake’s expertise and his ability to provide valuable insights and guidance in matters of policy and governance.

As a special adviser, Alake played a crucial role in shaping and implementing key initiatives aimed at improving the lives of Nigerians.

His extensive knowledge and experience in both journalism and politics allowed him to navigate the complex landscape of governance with ease.

Alake’s strategic thinking and innovative ideas contributed significantly to the success of President Tinubu’s administration.

Family Life – Wife, Children, and Siblings

Behind every successful man is a supportive family, and Dele Alake is no exception.

He is blessed with a loving wife who has stood by his side throughout his journey.

Dele Alake’s wife, Olatunbosun Alake, has been his pillar of support throughout his journey. She has stood by his side, providing unwavering support and encouragement. Together, they have built a strong and loving family.

Together, they have raised a beautiful family, instilling in their children the same values of hard work and determination that Alake learned from his own parents.

Dele Alake and Olatunbosun Alake are blessed with a wonderful son. Their son, whose name is not disclosed for privacy reasons, is following in his father’s footsteps. He is a bright and talented young individual, showing great potential in various areas.

In addition to his immediate family, Alake has a close bond with his siblings.

They have been a source of constant support and encouragement, cheering him on as he pursued his dreams.

Dele Alake’s Hometown and Upbringing

Lagos, Alake’s hometown, holds a special place in his heart.

Growing up in the vibrant city, he witnessed both its challenges and its potential.

This upbringing fueled his determination to make a positive impact and contribute to the development of Lagos.

Alake has been actively involved in various community projects and initiatives aimed at improving the lives of Lagosians.

His love for his hometown is evident in his unwavering commitment to its progress and his continuous efforts to create opportunities for its residents.

Net Worth, Houses, and Cars

Dele Alake’s hard work and success in both journalism and politics have allowed him to amass a significant net worth.

With his achievements, he has acquired luxurious houses and cars that reflect his status and accomplishments.

While material possessions are a symbol of Alake’s success, he remains grounded and focused on using his wealth and influence to make a positive impact on society.

Through various philanthropic endeavors, Alake continues to give back to his community and support causes that are dear to his heart.

Contributions to Society and Achievements

Dele Alake’s contributions to society extend beyond his political and journalistic endeavors.

He has been recognized for his outstanding achievements and received numerous awards for his exceptional service to the Nigerian people.

Alake’s dedication to public service, his tireless advocacy for social justice, and his unwavering commitment to the betterment of society have made a lasting impact in Nigeria.

His ability to bring about positive change and inspire others to do the same is a testament to his leadership qualities and his genuine desire to make a difference.

Phone number/email address

For privacy and security reasons, Dele Alake’s phone number and email address are not disclosed to the public. However, he can be reached through his official website and social media channels.


In conclusion, Dele Alake is a highly respected entrepreneur with a remarkable journey. His dedication, hard work, and philanthropic efforts have made him a role model for many aspiring entrepreneurs. With the support of his wife, son, and parents, Dele Alake continues to make a positive impact on the business world and the community.


1 comment

AYEGBUSI BOSEDE BLESSING August 7, 2023 - 10:15 pm

Dele Alake is originally from Ekiti state not Lagos


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