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Top 5 Highest Paid Coaches In Nigeria Premier League & Their Salaries

by Thomaz Oseghale
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Highest Paid Coaches In Nigeria Premier League

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Who is the highest paid coach in Nigeria’s Premier League? You would be surprised to know that coaches in the Nigeria Professional Football League actually do earn good salaries.

Take, for instance, the top-paid manager in the NPFL takes home over half a million Naira weekly!

NaijNaira will reveal in this article, who the highest paid coach in the Nigeria Premier League is.

Top Five Highest Paid NPFL Coaches

5. Kennedy Boboye – Akwa Utd (₦19.2M)

Kennedy was the coach of Akwa United from 2019 to 2022. He started his managerial career at Sunshine Stars in 2015 before joining Plateau United in 2016.

The former Manning Rangers forward remained the club’s head coach until 2018 before taking over as manager of Remo Stars in 2019.

He did not remain their head coach for up to a year as he was appointed the manager of Akwa United that same year on a contract which saw him earning ₦400,000 per week, ₦1.6M per month and ₦19.2M per year.

4. Fidelis Ilechukwu – Heartland (₦19.2M)

Fidelis started his coaching career at MFM FC and remained there for 10 years before being appointed as manager of Heartland FC where he currently is the head coach.

Ilechukwu earns a massive ₦400,000 per week, ₦1.6M per month and ₦19.2M per year at Heartland.

3. Yusuf Salisu – Enugu Rangers (₦20.4M)

Yusuf is the head coach of Enugu Rangers. He started his managerial career at Nasarawa United in 2002 since then has coached various clubs like Kano Pillars, Enyimba F.C. and El-Kanemi Warriors before his recent appointment as manager of Rangers in 2019.

He earns ₦425,000 per week, ₦1.7M per month and ₦20.4M per year.

2. Gbenga Ogunbote – Lobi Stars (₦20.4M)

Gbenga was the head coach of Lobi Stars from 2019 to 2020. He managed various clubs throughout his managerial career including Sunshine Stars, Shooting Stars, Enyimba, Enugu Rangers, Lobi Stars and most recently Sunshine Stars from 2020 to 2021.

With Lobi Stars, he was paid a weekly salary of ₦425,000, a monthly salary of ₦1.7M and an annual salary of ₦20.4M.

1. Abdu Maikaba – Plateau Utd (₦24M)

Maikaba is the former head coach of Plateau United. He started his managerial career at Wikki Tourists and then moved to Akwa United before joining Kano Pillars where he remained before being appointed as head coach of Plateau United.

He earns a massive sum of ₦500,000 per week, ₦2M per month and ₦24M per year at Plateau.


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