Home » World News » Japan’s Military Prepares to Shoot Down North Korean Spy Satellite

Japan’s Military Prepares to Shoot Down North Korean Spy Satellite

by NaijNaira
Japan's Military Prepares to Shoot Down North Korean Spy Satellite

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In response to North Korea’s planned launch of a spy satellite, Japan’s Defence Minister Yasukazu Hamada has ordered the country’s military to prepare for the possibility of shooting it down if it falls within Japan’s territory.

The Self-Defence Forces have been instructed to make necessary preparations, including deploying troops to Okinawa to minimize damage in case of a ballistic missile fall.

Hamada has also stated that he could potentially order the destruction of ballistic missiles.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has cited perceived threats from the United States and South Korea as reasons for proceeding with the launch.

This article was updated 5 months ago


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