Studies have shown that the lunar phases, particularly the full moon, can have a negative impact on our sleep quality.
This can lead to feelings of grogginess, moodiness, and overall sleep deprivation.
Getting less than eight hours of sleep a night can also have negative effects on our immune system, heart health, and cognitive function.
In one study, researchers found that people took longer to fall asleep and slept for a shorter amount of time in the week leading up to a full moon, regardless of geographical location or levels of light pollution.
Another study found that people experienced a 30% decrease in deep sleep, took five minutes longer to fall asleep, slept an average of 20 minutes less than usual, and reported a decline in sleep quality during the full moon.
To prevent poor rest during the full moon, it’s important to prioritize good sleep habits and consider natural sleep aids.
The full moon has long been associated with sleep disturbances, but why does it affect us?
Experts have several theories.
One is that light plays a crucial role in regulating our sleep/wake cycle, and the brightness of a full moon can throw off our circadian rhythm. However, the moon is only 7% as luminous as the sun, so this is only part of the story.
Another theory involves Earth’s electromagnetic field, which is affected by the moon’s negative charge during the full moon phase. Studies show that humans can be influenced by magnetic fields, but the effect is likely small.
Finally, some suggest that the moon’s gravitational pull on our bodies, which are mostly made of water, could affect sleep. However, experts argue that this pull is too small to have a significant impact. While the exact reason remains unclear, it’s clear that the moon’s phases can have an impact on our sleep.
If you’re having trouble sleeping during the full moon, there are a few things you can do to improve your sleep quality.
First, invest in blackout curtains to block out the moon’s illumination and any other ambient light that may be disrupting your sleep.
Additionally, avoid blue light from electronic devices before bed, as it can disrupt your body’s melatonin production and make it harder to fall asleep.
Maintaining a regular bedtime routine can also help regulate your sleep/wake cycle.
Make sure your sleeping environment is comfortable by choosing a mattress that suits your body type and keeping your room at a cooler temperature.
Finally, avoid drinking coffee too late in the day, as caffeine can make it harder to fall asleep even without the added disruption of the lunar cycle.
By following these tips, you can improve your chances of getting a good night’s sleep during the full moon.
This article was updated 1 month ago