Cutting boards are a common kitchen tool used for chopping vegetables, but recent research has revealed that they can be a serious health hazard.
Both plastic and wooden cutting boards have been found to be a dangerous source of harmful microplastics in human food.
Microplastics are tiny particles that can cause severe health implications, including increased inflammation, impaired fasting glucose, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
Studies suggest that we may be consuming up to 5 grams of plastic each week from our food, water, and certain consumer products.
Chopping up carrots on wood and plastic boards could produce tens of millions of microparticles a year, according to researchers.
Surprisingly, wooden boards were found to slough off 4 to 22 times more microparticles than plastic ones in different tests.
The researchers suggest using alternative options to reduce potential microplastic contamination in foods.
This article was updated 4 weeks ago