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After Elon Musk’s decision to rebrand Twitter, there were rumors circulating on the platform that the wording on the Twitter Help Center had been changed from “how to tweet” to “how to xeet.”
However, this information has been proven to be false by Twitter itself.
The official help center page still uses the term “how to tweet,” and there are currently no plans to change it.
While Musk has expressed his desire to call tweets “Xs,” there is no indication that this will happen in the near future.
The rebranding of Twitter’s logo to an X does suggest that there may be more changes to come, but for now, the platform remains the same for users.
The fact-checking tool on Twitter has been helpful in combating the spread of false information, ensuring that users are alerted to tweets containing misinformation.
Overall, while the Twitter rebranding has brought about some changes, the term “tweeting” and “how to tweet” still remain in use.
This article was updated 8 months ago