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The opposition coalition in the 10th House of Representatives has criticized the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) for their confusion over the choice of candidates for the speakership.
The minority caucus, also known as the “Greater Majority,” stated that the fact that over 10 people were still vying for the speakership just five weeks before the inauguration of the new assembly was a clear indication that the APC’s house was not in order.
The caucus also dismissed claims that its members were drifting apart and stated that attendance at events did not translate to endorsement.
The opposition will continue to interface and interrogate all members of the 10th House of Representatives while keeping their own plans close to their chest.
Meanwhile, Hon. Aliyu Betara, a leading aspirant for the speakership and chairman of the committee on Appropriations, is expected to formally declare his candidacy with the support of about 200 members-elect.
This article was updated 9 months ago