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Facebook Memories are usually good for a laugh, a cringe, or a fond recollection but not all memories are good ones.
The daily memories can go back more than a decade depending on how long you’ve used Facebook, and it’s likely there are more than a few we’d like to forget.
Hope you know you can hide those embarrassing Facebook memories, right?
Instead of being caught off-guard by regrettable memories, you can customize your Facebook settings to hide them.
Below is how to do it:
How To Hide Facebook Memories
1. Open the Facebook app on your phone
2. Tap the Settings bars in the top-right corner of the screen
3. Choose Memories
4. Tap the Gear icon in the top-right corner
5. You can choose between All Memories, Highlights, or None.
All Memories: means Facebook will show you all your memories from that day,
Highlights: will only show you special videos and collections, and
None: this means you won’t get notifications for any memories.
If you want something more specific, you can choose to hide memories involving specific users and date ranges.
Follow the steps above, but instead tap People and type in a user’s name that you want to hide from your memories.
The user(s) won’t be notified, and your selections are saved automatically.
Follow the same steps to hide date ranges, but in this case, tap Dates.
From there, you can enter almost any span of time – a day, a week, a month, or an entire year – going back in time to well before 2000.
When you’re done, tap Save.
Hiding Facebook Memories is that easy!
This article was updated 1 month ago