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Wayne Swinny’s death was announced few hours after the band had stated that the founding member was hospitalised in intensive care after suffering a brain haemorrhage on Tuesday.
American rock band Saliva’s guitarist and founding member, Wayne Swinny passed away at the age of 59.
It’s reported that, the band had announced that Swinny had had a brain haemorrhage on Tuesday and was now in intensive care.
A spokesperson said in a statement that was made public by TMZ:
“We report the demise of Wayne Swinny, the guitarist of Saliva, with deep sorrow.
“Wayne died this afternoon while on tour from a sudden brain haemorrhage.”
It’s said that Swinny was one of the founding members of the band in 1996. The band came into limelight in 2002.
This article was updated 8 months ago