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In a tragic incident at a kayak-making factory in Cheshire, a man named Alan Catterall lost his life after being trapped inside a large oven that was accidentally switched on.
Alan, who was tasked with cleaning the oven, was unaware that his co-worker Mark Francis had turned it on.
As the temperatures inside the oven rose, Alan desperately tried to escape, banging on the walls with a crowbar.
However, the intense heat made it impossible for him to hold onto the crowbar, and the air became too hot to breathe.
Despite his screams for help, the workers in the factory remained unaware of Alan’s dire situation.
Eventually, Alan’s skin began to melt onto the door as he continued to pound on it until he collapsed in unimaginable pain.
It was only when he caught on fire and black smoke filled the factory floor that the workers realized something was wrong.
Alan’s wife, Pearl, expressed that she does not blame Mark for the incident, but holds Pyranha Mouldings Ltd responsible.
The company’s technical director, Peter Mackereth, was found guilty of health and safety breaches related to the incident.
This article was updated 1 year ago