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The Employee Compensation Act (ECA) 2010 has been approved for universal implementation by the federal executive council (FEC).
The act provides comprehensive provisions for compensating employees who suffer from occupational diseases or injuries sustained at the workplace or during employment.
The private sector is already implementing the act, and now the public sector, including federal, state, and local governments, must adopt it to safeguard their workers.
The act ensures that workers who are injured, disabled, or die in the course of work are compensated, and their families receive remuneration.
The Nigerian workers will benefit from the decent work agenda contained in Convention 102 of the ILO, which emphasizes workers’ protection in the course of work.
The directive requires all workers in the federal government’s ministries, departments, and agencies to be covered with a percentage contribution of one percent of their remuneration as an insurance premium to insure them against workplace accidents and injuries.
The minister of finance and the budget office of the federation have been directed to make provisions for it in the annual budget as social contributions.
This article was updated 9 months ago