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In a recent interview, Nigerian rapper Olamide, also known as Baddo, recounted his most embarrassing moment which took place years ago when he was working under his boss ID Cabasa.
The incident occurred when a senior artist came to the studio to record a song and asked Olamide – who was the youngest in the room – to buy him food because he was hungry.
Despite not having enough money with him, Olamide decided to add some of his own money for the meal and also paid for transportation.
However, upon returning with the food, the artist accused Olamide of trying to steal his change and requested that ID Cabasa tell “his boy” to give him back his money.
Although angry at first, Olamide calmed down after a look from Cabasa.
Ironically, today that same artist is one of Baddo’s biggest fans and even wants to collaborate on a track together.
This article was updated 3 weeks ago