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Sterling Bank Airtime Recharge Code {Buy Credit}

by NaijNaira

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In this article, I will show you how top up your mobile line using Sterling bank airtime recharge code. You will also learn about how to use the code to buy airtime for other lines apart from the one registered to your Sterling bank account.

Make no mistake about it, in terms of financial inclusion and technology, Sterling bank is one of Nigeria’s leading banks.

With their ussd code, you can recharge your phone with airtime of any amount. At any moment of the day. As long as you have some money in your account, you can get this done easily.

What You Need To Know About The Code

The bank was the first to introduce a Naira Mastercard in Nigeria. This happened long before every other bank in the country. Since then, they have not relented in their efforts to change the way the banking industry in Nigeria works.

This mobile banking ussd code from Sterling bank works with all types of mobile phones. Android, Iphone etc. You can even use it on mobile phones that are not internet enabled. Including the old Nokia 3310.

It can be used during the day as well as in the night. 24/7. It works with all the major telecommunication networks in Nigeria (MTN, GLO etc).

It can be used on Weekends and also on Public holidays to purchase airtime for any mobile line.
The ussd code is secure, easy to remember and fast in executing transactions.

Getting Started With Sterling Recharge Code

Before you can use the code in purchasing airtime from the bank as a customer, you need to register first for the service by dialing *822#.

While you register for the ussd banking service, you will be required to create a 4 digits PIN. This pin will be required of you every time you want to make a transaction using the ussd code.

After you have successfully registered for the ussd banking service, you can then proceed to the next step.

Here is how to purchase airtime from Sterling bank using the bank’s ussd code.

1.) Sterling Bank Airtime Recharge Code

To buy airtime for yourself directly from the bank, follow the steps below:

  • Using the mobile line registered to your bank account, dial *822*Airtime Amount#. (For instance to recharge N500 airtime on your line, dial *822*500#)
  • Enter your 4 digits PIN and proceed
  • You will receive a pop up message on your device screen informing you of the status of the transaction you just made
  • Within 3 minutes, you will get notified by your telecom network about the airtime purchase

You will also receive the debit transaction notification from your bank to further confirm it

If you didn’t receive any SMS about the airtime purchase from your network provider after you’ve been debited, you can check your account balance . Sometimes it can be added to it without you receiving any text message from your telecom network.

2.) Airtime Recharge For 3rd-Party

To recharge non-registered lines with any amount of airtime from Sterling bank using a ussd code, follow the guidelines below:

  • Dial *822*Airtime Amount* Phone Number# (E.g. *822*1000*08123456789#)
  • Enter your 4 digits PIN to authenticate the transaction
  • Select the mobile network of the recipient
  • In less than 3 minutes, you will receive an SMS notification from your bank informing about the money that has just been debited from your account
  • A text message will also be forwarded to the recipient line from his telecom network about the airtime purchase.

That is how to transfer airtime to other lines in Nigeria from your Sterling Bank account.

What if I didn’t Receive The Airtime After I Was Debited?

Sometimes due to network challenges, you may end up not receiving the airtime on your line even after you’ve been debited for it.

All you have to do is to be patient and give it 24 hours. Within that time frame, the money will either be returned to your account or the airtime sent to your line.

However if none of those happened after the 24 hours have passed, feel free to contact the customer care of the bank as soon as possible.

In Conclusion

Sterling bank airtime recharge code enables customers to easily recharge their mobile lines directly from their bank accounts.

Using the code, you can be able to also send airtime to other mobile phone lines within the country. All you have to do is follow the guidelines carefully explained in this article to get it done.

Do you need to top up your mobile phone line line right now as a Sterling bank customer? Why not try using the ussd code for that. You’ll discover it is faster and more convenient to use.

I hope you find this guide useful

This article was updated 3 months ago


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