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Russian President Vladimir Putin is facing a major challenge to his rule as Russian units, believed to be led by warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin, have taken up positions around Moscow.
Prigozhin, a former ally of Putin, has led an armed rebellion with the aim of ousting Russia’s military leaders.
Putin has condemned the move as “treason” and fighting has erupted, with Wagner forces seemingly taking control of a military HQ in Rostov-on-Don and seizing facilities further north in Voronezh.
Prigozhin had vowed to march on Moscow, but in an audio message to his troops, he ordered them to return to their bases to “avoid bloodshed”.
The situation on the ground remains unclear, with reports of misinformation on both sides. Putin’s regime could be cut short in a matter of hours, according to expert analysis.
This article was updated 8 months ago