Gtbank Swift code, like every other bank code, is sometimes referred to as Bank Identifier Code (BIC). It is often been asked during international transactions most especially to receive and send funds outside a country.
Below is Gtbank swift code and how it was arrived at.
What Is GT bank Swift Code
Before we go into what Gtb Swift Code is, you need to understand that swift code is totally different from sort codes.
And I’m not talking about the fact that sort code is a numeric combination while swift code is a combination of letters and sometimes numbers.
Sort codes are basically often used locally either internally by a bank to communicate with different branches or for transactions between two different banks entirely but in the same country.
Each branch of a bank has its own sort code but only the headquarter of a bank in a country is assigned a swift code in most cases. So GTB swift code in Nigeria is the BIC of Gtbank headquarters in Lagos.

Guaranty Trust Bank Nigeria Swift Code
See How to Block GTB Debit Card Online incase of loss or fraud as well as How To Pay Dstv Subscription With Gtbank 737.
The swift code of Gtbank in Nigeria is GTBINGLA.
This code; BIC is managed by an organization called SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication). It is 8 characters long.
- The first 4 characters of the swift code are the bank’s code. Which is GTBI for Gtbank.
- The next 2 letters represent the country’s code. Which is NG for Nigeria.
- The last 2 characters are the location code. LA for Lagos. Where the headquarter of Gtb is.
Combining the above codes (GTBI NG LA) together, you have GTBINGLA. So when next you want to receive payment into your Gtbank account and you were asked for swift code, remember this.
There you have it on Guaranty trust bank Nigeria swift code. Kindly share this article using the social sharing buttons below and educate people while doing so.
This article was updated 2 months ago
1 comment
Please I want too send money direct too my mother account in naira from oman to Nigeria….how can I go about it
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