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Seun Kuti’s lawyer, Adeyinka Olumide-Fusika, has accused the Lagos Police of mistreating his client while in detention.
According to the lawyer, Seun Kuti has been denied access to food and his wife.
The police are investigating a video of the Afrobeat singer slapping a police officer on Third Mainland Bridge.
However, Adeyinka Olumide-Fusika has criticized the investigation and accused the police of not following proper legal procedures.
He also disputed the police spokesperson’s claims that Seun Kuti was responsible for damaging the officer’s vehicle and assaulting him.
Despite being in police custody since 8:00 am on May 15th, 2023, Seun Kuti was only asked to make a statement at 8:00 pm that day.
The lawyer has stated that Seun Kuti will defend himself against the police’s allegations at the appropriate time and place.
In the meantime, Seun Kuti’s wife was not allowed to bring him food, leaving him without any means of sustenance.
The lawyer is waiting to see what the police’s next move will be.
This article was updated 9 months ago