Home » Headlines » VIDEO: Social Media Abuzz over Female Bullying Incident at Lead British International School Abuja

VIDEO: Social Media Abuzz over Female Bullying Incident at Lead British International School Abuja

by Michelle
Social Media Abuzz over Female Bullying Incident at School Abuja

There is a growing outrage on social media following the alleged bullying of a female student at Lead British International School in Abuja. The incident came to light after a user, @mooyeeeeeee, posted two videos on Monday night, seeking justice for the victim.

In one of the videos, the victim can be seen being repeatedly slapped by another female student, who asks, “Who broke my heart?” In another video, the victim is seen sitting next to a male classmate who claims to have “spoilt her relationship.”

The post has gone viral, with over 1,000 comments at the time of this report. Netizens have expressed their condemnation of the incident and are calling on the school authorities to investigate the matter.

See the reactions below.

@knownso1 said, “This is so sad to watch, don’t care what happened, but she doesn’t deserve such treatment from these rascals.

“Imagine the nonsensical boy beside her even laughing. Them suppose mend that boy. But she could at least fight back and don’t allow them treat her like a coward!!”

@Lefter_11 wrote: “Her parents should involve police and also report those children to school authorities. Some of us that went to public schools will not care to let our parents know that someone bullied or beat us , we go just arrange some friends and treat them in the language they understand.”

@DeRichayo wrote: “I’m afraid that nothing may come out of this especially if the parents of the bully are among the so-called powerful in the country. A sad tale.”

@_Kendoma wrote: “What is this?The more I watch, the more it gets worse. The hearts of people are just too wicked😭”

@Positivityzzz wrote: “Every bully will ride on ur vulnerability, if you use one person as an example, others will think twice, that’s why I told my father that I don’t want to be a gentleman , Being a gentleman will make you vulnerable.”

@GracedUp1 wrote: “After paying millions only to see your child on video being maltreated like a slave. I really feel sad for that girl. The school authorities is not doing enough monitoring.”

@Wale_A3 wrote: “You pay 45m yet your wards aren’t safe in their custody! Why would students be so free within the school premises without any form of supervision? Parents pay not just for study but for the protection and safety of their children while in the care of the school.”

@sadiqGsadiq, posted a screenshot where it was alleged that the school has a bullying problem.

The untitled screenshot also alleged that another student of the school cut her classmate with a knife but was only given a two-day suspension.

The screenshot reads: “Bullying is one of the biggest issues in Lead British International School.

“And the worst thing is that they don’t even take serious actions for it. The punishment they use is always packing of trash like…does that make sense? Will packing of trash stop me from bullying someone?it does not even make sense, to be honest.

“The school is always trying to hide things like this. When things like this happen and we tell our parents, our parents think we are being dramatic and stuff that’s why we all need you to put back the post and bring awareness cuz it needs to stop.

“When I told my mom, she said I was lying. It was when I showed her the video that she believed me sef.

“Let me tell you something, worst things have happened. There was a time a girl brought a knife or a paper cutter and used it to slice a boy’s hand. The boy was in Year 7. He had to get stitches and the girl’s punishment was two days suspension cuz allegedly her parents paid the school or something.”

Let us hope that the school takes this matter seriously and conducts a thorough investigation to ensure justice for the victim.

This article was updated 2 weeks ago


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